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Alchimie di Circe

Circeo saffron mayonnaise

Circeo saffron mayonnaise

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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🍋 with lemons and Circeo saffron

🐣 natural eggs

🥕 gluten free / gluten free

Our Zafferano del Circeo in one of its best combinations, a fresh and delicate mayonnaise , with a decisive fruity and citric note thanks to our natural lemons, special by nature thanks to the Circeo microclimate, perfect for citrus fruits.

A long-life mayonnaise (3 months before opening) but with only the bare minimum of organic apple vinegar , perfect for crustaceans and molluscs or to accompany fried fish and main courses.

Like all of our preserves, it stimulates the imagination in the kitchen and makes each dish precious. In fact, try dressing a simple Russian salad or a ham or vegetarian sandwich with our mayonnaise and you will no longer be able to do without it.


- Uova naturali (Circeo), - Olio di Semi di Arachide Bio (Italia), - Limoni Naturali (Alchimie di Circe - Circeo), - Zafferano del Circeo puro in stimmi, and - Sale integrale (Sicilia)


appetizers: raw vegetables, raw or fried fish, prawns or scampi, Russian salad, canapés Main courses: fried fish or vegetables, sandwiches, gourmet burgers, steaks (fish, meat)

Conservation tips

Keep away from sunlight in the pantry, once opened it can be kept for up to 1 week in the fridge with a closed jar

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