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Alchimie di Circe

'Lingud di Strega' - Wholemeal Snacks - Rye, Hazelnuts and Raisins

'Lingud di Strega' - Wholemeal Snacks - Rye, Hazelnuts and Raisins

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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Much more than a cracker, 'Lingue di Strega' are a marvel of fragrance and flavour. Rich in fibre , they represent the correct, and delicious, combination of unrefined wholemeal flour and natural dried fruit (grown without the use of chemicals), a superfood balanced in carbohydrates, fats (only Flaminio EVO Oil, Trevi - PG) and proteins, and a refill of mineral salts, vitamins.

Our 200g packs are 2/3 portions , once opened immediately close the bag with the included wooden clip, so as not to lose all their irresistible fragrance

With 35% wholemeal GREEN RYE flour and ANCIENT WHEAT flour of the Rieti variety from Molino FarFarina (Fara in Sabina - Rome) directly from the Slow Food Rome Earth Market, combined with TONDA ROMANA HAZELNUT (25%), a Slow Food presidium from the La Fescennina farm (VT) and organic ZIBIBBO RAISINS (Sicily) to close one of the most voted sweet and sour pairings, irresistible even on their own!..try to believe

And then our beloved FLAMINIO EVO OIL from Trevi (PG) in the territory of the Monti Sibillini National Park, all companies that, like us, build the alternative to large-scale distribution every day, demonstrating that another model of agriculture, free from chemicals and exploitation (of land and people) is possible.

And last but not least the INTEGRAL SALT OF SICILY .. very rich in precious trace elements ..

Yeast-free by nature, each pairing represents a just right food combination (foods which can be combined together without affecting digestion), in which each type of nutrient (sugar or protein) is in balance with the others and is thus assimilated in an optimal way by the organism.

This and much more are the Lingue di Strega.


- Farina di Segale Verde - Mulino Farfarina (Slow Food - Roma), - Nocciola Tonda Romana DOP bio - La Fescennina (Slow Food - VT), - Farina di Grano Antico varietà Rieti Originario - Mulino FarFarina (Slowfood - Roma), - Olio EVO (Olio Flaminio - Trevi PG), - Sale integrale (Sicilia), and Uvetta da uve Zibibbo (Sicilia)


  • Farina di grano
  • Farina di Segale
  • Nocciole


chopping boards, jars, preserves, pinzimonio, cold cuts, fresh creamy cheeses, salads.. perfect for gourmet tastings and pairings, they stimulate the imagination in the kitchen.. look at the recipes in the BLOG section

Conservation tips

After opening, close the bag with the special clip. Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

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